Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- I understand and declare that this submission is an original work and that neither this work nor one with substantially similar content has been published elsewhere in whole or in part [except in abstract form], that it has only been submitted for this publication, and that it will not be submitted elsewhere pending written notice of acceptance or rejection by this journal.
- I understand and declare that all authors stipulated have participated sufficiently in the conception and design of this work and the analysis of the data [where applicable], as well as the writing of the manuscript and take responsibility for it. All authors believe the manuscript represents valid work and have reviewed the final version of the manuscript and approve it for publication.
- I understand and declare that all the data, upon which the manuscript is based, shall be produced for the evaluation by the editors or the assignees should it be requested.
- I understand and declare that the manuscript contains no libelous or unlawful statements and does not infringe on the rights of others including a person’s rights to privacy and confidentiality. If excerpts [e.g. text and artwork] from all types of copyrighted works are included in this manuscript, written permission will be secured, by the authors, and proper credit will be shown in the manuscript.
- The name/s of all author/s and their qualifications are clearly stipulated in the submitted manuscript.
- The contact details of the main author is provided with the submitted manuscript.
- The title, abstract, keywords, figures, graphs, tables are in the specified format and within permitted numbers as stipulated under AUTHOR’S GUIDELINES.
The submitted manuscript is in the correct format (MS Word), layout, and reference method as stipulated under AUTHOR’S GUIDELINES.
The submitted manuscript has been language edited.
- In the event of requesting withdrawal of the submitted manuscript (see condtions of submission form), after it has reached review stage or awaiting publication, I/we accept responsibility for payment of costs to the Society of Radiographers of South Africa, and accept that the editor will only agree to the withdrawal request after payment has been received.
In-house layout/ formatting
Authors to use italics without inverted commas for verbatim responses/comments of participants in qualitative research. The comments/responses in italics to be indented within the manuscript.
Authors to refer to the online instructions for layout of papers/case reports. Vancouver system to be used for referencing.
If you are unsure then kindly email to request a template.
Proofreading of galley PDF: turnaround deadline for main author
The turnaround time to proofread a galley PDF is 72 hours (3 days) from when an online email is sent to the main author
Submitted manuscripts have to be have been language edited.Authors by uploading material
- confirm that the submitted manuscript has been edited by a language editor/copyeditor
- agree to obtaining the services of a language editor if revisions are required.
Note that minor copy editing will be done by the section editor/editor when the manuscript is accepted for publication.
- ORCID ID of author/s to be uploaded in a separate file: Intial, surname and 16 digit ORCID number. If authors do not have a 16 digit ORCID number they should register at
- Conditions of submission
- Conditions of submission form to be downloaded and completed then uploaded as a Supp file or emailed to
Download the conditions of submission
Click on the above link to download the form to complete as stated above
Cases: imaging quiz
Must include 5 multiple choice questions for each caseCongress proceedings
Congress abstract of research study: aim, method, results , conclusion based on findings
Copyright Notice
Copyright on all published material belongs to the Society of Radiographers of South Africa (SORSA).
I hereby understand and declare that:
- All proprietary rights other than copyright are reserved to the authors, as well as the right to reproduce original figures and tables from this item in their future works, provided full credit is given to the original publication The South African Radiographer ISSN 0258 0241.
- In consideration of the reviewing and editing done by the editors of The South African Radiographer of the above named manuscript, the author/s hereby transfer, assign, or otherwise convey all copyright ownership world-wide, in all languages, to the Society of Radiographers of South Africa in the event that this manuscript is accepted for publication.
- If the manuscript has been commissioned by another person or organisation, or if it has been written as part of the duties of an employee, that full authorisation has been given by the representative of the commissioning organisation or employer to be published in the The South African Radiographer.