Editorial Team


Mrs Leonie Munro, Society of Radiographers of South Africa

Dr Riaan van de Venter, Nelson Mandela University, SA


Editorial board

Prof Penelope Engel-Hills, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, SA

Prof Hesta Friedrich-Nel, Central University of Technology, SA

Ms Ferial Isaacs, formerly Cape Peninsula University of Technology; chairperson CPD committee, Society of Radiographers of South Africa

Mrs Germaine Therese Lovric, University of Pretoria, SA

Dr Fozy Peer, formerly manager Nuclear Medicine Department, Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital, Durban; past president International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT)

Dr Aarthi Ramlaul, Buckinghamshire New University, UK

Prof  Naomi Shiner, Keele University, UK

Mrs Roshnee Sunder, Durban University of Technology, SA